
The Six Primary Value Types

Drawing from extensive analysis of social media data combined with 40 years of proven psychology research, we have identified six value types that form the basis of our insights and recommendations.

Although each type has distinct characteristics, they are all related to each other in some way. Value types located near each other on the diagram share complementary characteristics, while value types located apart from each other are more conflicting.


The Six Primary Value Types

Drawing from extensive analysis of social media data combined with 40 years of proven psychology research, we have identified six value types that form the basis of our insights and recommendations.

Although each type has distinct characteristics, they are all related to each other in some way. Value types located near each other on the diagram share complementary characteristics, while value types located apart from each other are more conflicting.

Freedom Seekers 

• Highly independent

• Concerned with quality and practicality

• Self-guided research before buying

• Least likely to be swayed by advertising


Pleasure Seekers 

• Value fun and excitement

• Not concerned with price, brand loyalty or safety

• Like to stand out from the crowd

• Socially active

Purpose Seekers 

• Compassionate and cooperative

• Eco-conscious

• Research before purchasing

• Like to shop “local”

Security Seekers 

• Prefer safe, practical purchases

• Do a lot of research before purchasing

• Looking for best value for money

• Brand loyal

• Swayed by advertising


• Active on social media

• Tech savvy

• Brand conscious

• Driven by success

• Achievement oriented


Tradition Seekers 

• Family oriented

• Older and politically conservative

• Brand loyal

• Swayed by advertising

• Prefer direct mail